My dad always likes to tell us about the Christmas when my uncle bought my aunt a tin opener (a good one!) for Christmas, she was apparently rather unimpressed but the story has given years worth of good laughs.

I also remember when my dad bought a holiday in New York for my mum and himself for Christmas, but the tickets were in a small envelope right at the bottom of a HUGE box filled with packing peanuts.

What terrible/joke presents can you think of that would be a good laugh on Christmas day?

    64 months ago

    I have an old set of joke boxes I bought from The Onion ages ago that are really fun to put an actual present in and give to someone. For example, the Visorganizer: a small organizer pouch that clips onto the visor of your hat!

    Another year the only thing my wife wanted was a new set of Airpods Pro. Now, for me, a very important part of a present is the surprise, so when she found a fairly large box under the tree, she figured she had gotten something else. Until she opened the box and found another wrapped gift inside. And another inside that, and another, and another… And finally at the end a small gift bag with the Airpods in 😁