First as Tragedy, then as Farce

    154 months ago

    Remember when Trump won the first time and all that “lock her up” bullshit evaporated. He even said nice things about Hillary after he won. Pepperidge farm remembers.

    They’re in the same class. They have no skin in the game. Their families and friends aren’t at risk of shit, except for the excruciating decision of what to do with all that privilege they’ve got knowing an ex-President. That golden parachute of the lecture tour and book deals and fundraisers is always gonna be there for any career politician. Biden “tried his best” guys and that’s good enough. Take solace in that as you’re carted off to the blacksite.

    None of these fucks are your friends.

    • “It’s a big club, folks, and you ain’t in it.” - George Carlin

      But yeah, I said that months ago and was downvoted for it. None of their lives are going to be affected by any of this, any of this fascism coming through. That’ll be for us poors to bear, the wealthy don’t hurt the wealthy. It’s the only honor amongst them.