It seems that over the past couple months or so, I started having and engaging in more political discussions (on account of the presidential election). When you’re in that space, it feels like you need to have an opinion on every little thing. Geopolitics, taxes, financial policy, etc. How important is it to educate myself and ask questions? Do you feel that pressure to have an opinion on everything?

edit: I don’t think this question is about politics, but if it is, I can delete this.

  • Max-P
    134 months ago

    Sometimes it’s also, is it really important to know? A lot of things I have complicated opinions of because things are nuanced and complicated in the real world, so for example even if you ask me it’s not like I can just be for or against Israel or whatever. And I certainly don’t feel like going over it again and again and again as people keep asking about random topics.

    I swear americans have this weird thing where everyone needs to have a strong opinion on every topic all the time, and talk about it all the time so they can sus out if you’re leaning democrat or republican. It’s so weird. I’m not even american, I can’t do anything about it! I’ll keep my opinions where they belong, in my head, thank you.

    It’s important to be educated about those topics but I don’t feel the need to make it my entire personnality, unlike some people. I have better things to do that actually brings me joy rather than doom and gloom over things I can’t do anything about.