Hey there!

So I’ve had a migraine that has been going for a couple days now. Nothing entirely new, but it’s frustrating. Dark room, low noise, tried sleeping it off, taken multiple medications for it including my Ubrelvy which normally knocks it. It took the edge off, but now I’m going on day 3 with the migraine with no perceivable end in sight.

Anyone got any tips that normally helps them to knock their migraine that’s worth considering? Normally I don’t care too much as I’ve put up with them for years, but this one has me all nauseous which makes it that much more miserable.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Sorry for not seeing the responses on this sooner. I went back to bed afterward and mostly stayed in bed and holy crap the responses blew up. I also called my neurologist and told them about it much like some of the advise that others have mentioned, and they started me on a round of prednisone to help. Fingers crossed it gets rid of it. Seems to be helping, but only time will tell. If it doesn’t, I’ll see about giving some of these a try. Thank you so much!

  • ndguardianOP
    12 years ago

    Wow, a lot of things I can try here, I appreciate it! Normally I take hot showers, but trying a cold shower sounds easy enough.

    The lavender sounds lovely since I like the smell anyway, so I’d be happy to give it a try! Do you have any that you would recommend?

    Unfortunately sumatriptan is a no-go for me…I previously took that before I took the Ubrelvy, but it was mostly ineffective for me. The Ubrelvy typically helps, but in the most severe cases like this one it doesn’t seem to. Fortunately the prednisone the doc prescribed seems to be helping, though that seems like a last resort type of thing from what I can tell due to the potential for some nasty problems.

    I’ll have to save this tough…there’s a ton here for me to try. Thank you very much!

    • @GlendatheGayWitch@lib.lgbt
      12 years ago

      I like the Lavender essential oil that I bought from Whole Foods the most, as far as smell. It’s not going to knock out the migraine but it does help take the edge off.

      I’ve also used peppermint before and although it didn’t help me quite as much, it has helped other people I know. The peppermint is much stronger than Lavender, so I only rub a drop of peppermint oil on the back of my neck. One time, I put peppermint on my temples and it was so overwhelming that it made my eyes water.