Because to me, they seem like de facto "Agree and “Disagree” buttons, whether or not it was the intent.

    264 months ago

    There are many ways people use them.

    The way I use them and I wish everyone did is:

    Upvote = I agree with this, this is what I would have posted too if I had seen the comment earlier, this is extraordinarily funny or insightful and I want more people to see it

    Downvote = I think this doesn’t meaningfully contribute to the discussion at all, it would have been better if it hadn’t been posted, others shouldn’t have to read it

    The vast majority of things doesn’t fall into either of these categories, so I neither upvote nor downvote them; if I merely disagree with something, I write a counterargument but do not downvote.

      44 months ago

      I think there’s a shorter way to say this.

      Upvote means promote. I think this should be seen.

      Downvote means demote. I don’t think this should be seen.

        44 months ago

        Yes, but a lot of people “don’t think this should be seen” simply because they disagree with it, no matter how much of a good-faith on-topic post it is. That was a main point.

          34 months ago

          Which is what I’m kinda getting at. It’s always going to be up to the individual. Unfortunately​ there’s no way to force any kind of consensus.