• davel [he/him]
      4 months ago

      You’re the one removing material reality from the picture and chalking it up to a culturo-religious clash of ideas. You’re the one simplifying things down vibes.

      Infographic: US military presence around the world The US controls about 750 bases in at least 80 countries worldwide and spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined.

    • @Olhonestjim@lemmy.world
      164 months ago

      Oooh so close! You’re almost there. Just one more step.

      Who put those extremists into power by overthrowing middle east democracies? Who funded them?

      • @Tregetour@lemdro.id
        4 months ago

        9/11 has nothing to do with the US overthrow of foreign governments. The US didn’t make bin Laden into what he became, bin Laden did. The guy was an egomaniac bedazzled by his own bullshit. The notion that the attacks were reeeaaally about oil access or regime change or economic disparity as opposed to bloodyminded religious zealotry is a lie.

        • @AnneVolin@lemmy.ml
          4 months ago

          The notion that the attacks were reeeaaally about oil access or regime change or economic disparity as opposed to bloodyminded religious zealotry is a lie.

          I love it when dummies who made up their own history fight strawmen of other dummies who made up their own history instead of you know, reading.

        • @shezznazz@lemmy.world
          114 months ago

          My guy do you struggle wirh reading comprehensive, he asked who funded the terrorists and extremism groups that came to power. Wanna know how iran became anti west when historically its the most liberal and urbanised muslim majority nation period. “bin Laden did. The guy was an egomaniac bedazzled by his own bullshit” what bullshit would that be? You must think you’re so smart and know geo politics yet come here insulting others giving the most peewee American propaganda bs. So you’re conclusion “world is more complex than America doing all bad, but at same time Osama waa bloodyminded religious zealotry”

          • @Tregetour@lemdro.id
            3 months ago

            Latuff created his dopey comic because he knows his left-wing audiences want confirmation of their political biases. There’s nothing wrong with that. We all seek it on occasion. But what crimes the US is and is not guilty of has virtually no bearing on the fact that 19 muslim men literally took up box cutters against passenger airliners as a profession of their faith. The hijackers didn’t care about bin Laden’s politics, they saw an opportunity to kill infidels and they took it. They certainly didn’t care about Iran Contra or Mosadegh or fucking Halliburton profiteering, and they certainly didn’t become fundamentalists because of those things.

            The wikipedia links are stunningly impertinent. The charts contexually lame. Muslim fundamentalism is the cause of the 9/11 attacks; no ackchually-tier insistence on proximate versus ultimate cause is necessary.

            • @shezznazz@lemmy.world
              13 months ago

              Again. You’re not showing off you’re capacity intelligence or critical thinking if you think 19 different men from various countries wirh a billionaire formerly cia asset Saudi billionaire leading them all for… Islam? I’m a former Muslim, so this is something I know alot of, but please dumb dumb, explain how they did it for “profession of their faith” Did the IRA bomb London because of their Catholic estremist ways too? My god, I could make a fake news site right now, populate it with bullshit, and of 8 billion people, i know you specifically would find my site and believe whatever crap people say online