She belonged to a neighbor, but the neighbor moved away and left her. He said he’d be back Thanksgiving weekend to try and get her, but now he’s ignoring my texts, and he’d already mentioned ‘at this point you can just have her’ in a previous conversation.

It’s getting into below freezing temperatures here, so we built a little cat ramp up to the second story and now she lives in the house with us. I’m hesitant to say she’s ours just yet, but it’s looking a lot like that’s not up to us anymore 🤣

Original post:

Edit: Neighbor replied this morning… it’s official! 😭😻

  • FuglyDuck
    414 months ago

    I’m totally judging you for being a good human. Thanks for that!

    I think we’re gonna need more photos. Just to be sure she’s settling only all warm and snuggly.

    • LennyOP
      64 months ago

      I’ll post a bunch tonight when she’s back indoors. We’re going to try to gradually transition her to being indoors.