Silicon Valley wants us to believe that their autonomous products are a kind of self-guided magic, but the technology is clearly not there yet. A quick peak behind the curtain has consistently revealed a product base that, at a minimum, is still deeply reliant on human workforces.

    24 months ago

    Now we just have to wait for some startup to pitch “local drivers” as a revolutionary new idea.

    Introducing the most groundbreaking innovation in transportation since the invention of the wheel: Human-Powered Chauffeur Experience (HPCE). Say goodbye to the soulless, algorithm-driven monotony of self-driving cars and hello to the warm, beating heart of a human taxi driver.

    Imagine being whisked away to your destination by a charming, witty, and (mostly) alert individual who can engage in conversation, offer personalized recommendations, and even provide a sympathetic ear when you need it most. Our HPCE drivers are trained in the ancient art of navigation, able to adapt to unexpected road closures, and possess an uncanny ability to find the best route to your favorite coffee shop.