So i still have depression and im constantly bored, i feel like a loser who cant do anything right. I want to let my creativeness out, make something i can share with the world or family, but im probably dreaming too big. I cant stand being depressed and bored, it stinks, everyone tells me to work out but i lack the motivation to do so.

i usually just watch youtube all day while complaining to family members that have no idea what to do about me.

    122 years ago

    I see a lot of physical activities around here, and I strongly agree. Find something that gets you outside and makes you move around. Hiking, biking, running, team sports, climbing - all great. Find whatever suits you and is within your area.

    I recently got into disc golf. It’s something i look forward to play, and it makes me go outside often and I meet a lot of new people while playing.