Progressive movement leader Alexandra Rojas writes for Zeteo that those in charge of the Democrats’ 2024 campaign should have been fired a long time ago.

    4 months ago

    Something has happened which nobody probably not even Republicans thought could happen. Reality does not have liberal bias.

    Democrats are still operating on this assumption. They figure people will vote for them by virtue of some 60/40 (or whatever unbalanced) scale that naturally leans left. Unfortunately I don’t think they have gotten the wake up call even now. They cannot just do whatever the fuck (like being a party of the rich) under the assumption that if they get enough people to vote regardless of political affiliation then they will win.

    It’s why Harris grew her support among voters making over $100,000 a year and lost support among voters making less.

    This has been very evident on certain parts of the internet. Especially spaces where the tech workers hang out. They all talk like they can identify with working class folk. You simply cannot point out they are out of touch with the working class without causing them serious brain malfunction.

    “B-but my avocado toast cost of living”, fuck I wish they would can it already. Nobody making over $100,000, certainly not well above that is struggling that hard. You aren’t. Sorry (not really) but that’s the facts. Always some wise guy got to chime in with some anecdote about how they personally are though.

    It’s not just the party Democrats but liberals and leftists making over $100,000 a year who live in another reality. One where they are the stuffy old rich people. Only they do not see themselves this way. They are having a very hard time seeing it. This is where the Republicans were pre-Trump. The dead end party stuck in their old rich people ways. The tables have turned.

    That includes you, millennials. Yes, you the rich ones. You are rich old people now.