After checking the achievement notification, I was presented with this:

Context: I still have an account after using PDS to alter/remove all my posts and wiping my profile, but I still get messages from redditors seeking help so I check in from time to time.

  • Atelopus-zeteki
    63 months ago

    Funny, this week, I got an email notice of a question (can you link the probiotic you use?) from something I commented ( I use Lactobacillus salivarius to promote good oral microflora, and am not selling a particular brand of probiotic) on Red about 9 years ago. My first thought was go look it up yourself, and with this post realize that it’s part of Red’t’s plan to lure us back in. lol, not gonna happen. I’ve been ignoring FB lures far longer, and know how to not play your game.