I have no release the first pre-releases of the Haveno app, you’re welcome to visit the home page to download the binary, please be aware the first build collected telemetry over tor, and fails if for some reason you’re not connected, if you’re not comfortble with any telemetry being collected you can follow the guide in the documentation on Haveno building fro source, where telemetry is already removed.

We just use telemetry to report errors, that’s all, it help greatly in detecting issues the user doesn’t immediately see.

Perhaps at some point I’ll address the drama, but I’m more inclined to fixed and bugs you might have for the meantime, I’ve released most of you are actually having trouble with with getting past the on-boarding stage, I have fixes for both of those coming up today so you will see a working app where you can login and pot trades today again this will just be from Android and Linux and then in few days .

  • @alphonse@monero.town
    3 months ago

    Can someone explain what is going on, or link to something? This all seems sketchy, almost like a hijacking of the project, but I’m guessing not as there is talk of a CCS.

    Also, why is the only network listed aloha? why not reto, which tbh thought was the only one.

    • @monerobull@monero.town
      23 months ago

      There has been a bunch of drama specifically about this CCS. Reto was censored because Kewbit believes I run it (lol) and wanted to “punish” me for demanding source code before CCS payout.

      • @Kewbit@monero.townOP
        13 months ago

        I understand that Monerobull doesn’t run it, but that’s only because I take his word for it and kinda do trust him because I strategically asked to borrow 1 XMR from him, which he did (and paid him back), I know it’s not much evidence but it shows at least some good faith, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been paid to promote/push it - likewise in demoting and trashing emerging networks.

        Regarding demanding source before payout, I will provide a response to that if there are any issues with final payouts for the project as it’s a rabbit hole better left unmapped, realistically I don’t have time to lay it all out in a way people can digest yet either at the moment.

    • @Kewbit@monero.townOP
      13 months ago

      I can see how it might look like Hijacking of a project, I’m not sure how that applies to FOSS projects though, they own a twitter with all of their followers, if Google deems my content as valuable then it will rank my site (which btw is managed by a charity now, I dont even have DNS access to it but I will speak more on that later because it’s a lot to cover).

      Regarding your comments about Aloha being the only site listed, also an interesting find and I’m happy to explain why both mine and my business partner agreed together to black or greylist certain networks. There was at the time significant allegations and and ‘drama’ upon its release, at the time I didn’t think much of it personally since Vik (owner of Cake Wallet) tweeted it out I figured some guy was just testing it out, but as time went on they made them selves known in Matrix and Reddit, I believe those conversations where all public, but from what I remember from the research I conducted before determining to blacklist them from being automatically included in the list, was that the conversation started on Matrix, and if you back track, or at least find the logs from IRC/Matrix, I’m pretty sure they are out there, you’ll realise that it was an attack on Markis or the one who claimed to have operated it. Since it was the second server to exist, we did want to take the allegation seriously just in case they were scamming as per the significance of drama that was perpetuated behind it. After about 12 hours of carefully reviewing the code, we found nothing. It was clear, it was a strategic competitive attack from Reto associates, this completely goes against the philosophy of decentralization and federation. Why spend 4-5 years on a project and then have people behaviour like that and deem it as acceptable, it will tackle anti-decentralization and anti-federation behavour tactically in the interest of FOSS, sometimes that comes along with pissing powerful people off. What do you think a powerful person or group would do if they realised they had to share their potential profits with other Haveno federations? :)

      Hence, I’m being held hostage for payment for what I believe to be doing the right thing.

      Hence, other third party networks getting shut down buy social discredit and provable lies, namely Aloha in this case being malicious being untrue.

      It’s unsurprising you thought Reto was the only network, there have been a handful but they tend to get shutdown or deleted by mods almost immediately and then ultimately get removed from haveno.com because they chose not to keep the seednodes online anyway, it seems this Aloha are keeping them online anyway even though no one is using them.

      • @alphonse@monero.town
        3 months ago

        If there weer to be an ‘about us’ section to explain what the project is and where it came from, that would let people understand that you are not trying to impersonate the ‘creators’.

        Perhaps including reto in the network section would be a sign of good faith.