I graduated high school aged 20, Ask Me Anything

  • I'm_All_NEET:3OP
    13 months ago

    “What does your boyfriend do that has the potential to strike gold?”

    Day trading

    • @GrindingGears@lemmy.ca
      43 months ago

      Keep your options open. Not saying this to be rude or anything, and hey who knows your boyfriend might be successful at it. But you sound young and you need to realize that the success of daytrading is pretty fleeting unless you have tons of capital and can take some pretty heavy losses along the way. Always have a plan B. It’s never ever too late to better your path. May it be a bright one!

    • halyk.the.red
      33 months ago

      In my lowest moments, I remind myself that it’s about the journey, not the destination. You have love and hope, which is more than some can say. Best of luck to you.