Especially if you have kids and work all day

      63 months ago

      Three things:

      1. Don’t stop until you find the right mask. There are a lot of options.
      2. Change is always awkward at first. It will take time to get used to.
      3. Adjust your attitude. Most people are already convinced that they’re not going to like a CPAP and are angry they have to wear one. Make the effort to be healthy. Eating healthy and getting exercise aren’t fun for most people either. Getting quality sleep is just as important.
        23 months ago

        He’s been really determined to make it work - even takes it on vacation. He gets decent rest until he wakes up and takes it off, usually around 3 or 4. He has the triangle-shaped mask with the face steps. I didn’t realize there were different types. I just ordered him the n30 under-nose one and the p10 nasal pillows with a soft strap. Thanks for the advice!

      53 months ago

      Three weeks of agony. Totally worth it. I have a deviated septum so I can’t do a nose pillow, but there’s really low impact options if you’re able.

        13 months ago

        My husband has had his since September. He usually makes it until 3 or 4am and then takes it off.

          23 months ago

          He should put it back on. He keeps taking it off so he never gets used to it. Like I said. Three weeks of hell. Keep that sucker on.

        • folkrav
          23 months ago

          So sorry to hear this - do those couple of hours with the machine help him a little at least? Did he try different masks, by any chance? I had a nasal mask initially, and eventually switched to nasal pillows before I started actually enjoying mine. Everyone’s anatomy and way of sleeping are different, so there’s often some trial and error necessary.

          For example, a lot of people dislike nasal pillows cause they’re much easier to rip out or have a leak for some. A lot of people seem to like nasal masks, while I hated mine with a passion, as even with the XL size, my (large) nose’s bridge was rubbing against it and hurt quite a bit. Some people also seem to love their full-face masks - they tend to work better for mouth breathers and those sleeping on their backs.

            13 months ago

            He’s been really determined to make it work - even takes it on vacation. He gets decent rest until he wakes up and takes it off, usually around 3 or 4. He has the triangle-shaped mask with the face steps. I didn’t realize there were different types. I just ordered him the n30 under-nose one and the p10 nasal pillows with a soft strap. Thanks for the advice!

      33 months ago

      I would put it on when I was reading in bed before I go to sleep and that seemed to help. It still took about 6 months to get use to it. Often times for the first 6 months I just wore it as much as I could and tried not to stress if I needed to take it off to sleep.