• @Doomsider@lemmy.world
    -83 months ago

    You are seriously arguing that the corruption in our police system means there is no protection? This is objectively false.

    I would trust an officer over Ultragagginggunnut any day of the week.

    The only prisoners are our school children who have to drill for gun violence in their school. Kids who live in fear that their classmates will kill them because they brought another gun nutters unsecured gun to school.

    The prisoners are the wives and partners of every abusive gun owner. Scared to leave because they know that it could cost their lives. You ever been raped at gun point? Yeah, didn’t think so.

    The prisoners are our society that has to deal with the commercialization of gun ownership and the radicalization of the NRA. Everyday they make our society more unsafe in the name of profits.

    The problem isn’t guns, it is people like you that think they solve problems. Guns create problems not solve them.

    They need to be tightly controlled to keep them away from people who are mentally unwell. People that think they are the “prisoners” fantasizing about defending their rights and overthrowing the government.

    • @Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
      63 months ago

      I would trust an officer over Ultragagginggunnut any day of the week.

      False dichotomy. Those aren’t the only choices.

      In your entire comment, you failed to realize that “Doomsider” is a perfectly viable option.

      With “Doomsider” being an option for you, “officer” should be considered a distant second.

        • @Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
          53 months ago

          Certainly. Thank you for your patience, and for the opportunity for discussion.

          I respectfully and summarily reject the underlying premise of what you were saying. Your comment did not consider that you are the person best capable of providing your own “protection”.

          I submit that the regulatory environment needs to recognize and respect that fact.

            • @Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
              43 months ago

              What are you waiting for? I have responded twice before this comment. Your comment is premised on a false dichotomy. When we eliminate that premise, the remainder of your comment doesn’t make much sense.

              One route forward: You could support your position on a different premise. Another route: You could abandon your previous position and adopt a new one. I eagerly await your choice.

              • @Doomsider@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                Nice try, let me turn on my Rivalarrival translator: Ah yes, it is coming in clear now. You did not like what I said but you have no rebuttal so you hyper focused on one thing. You invented a false premise and remembered to project that like any good bullshitter.

                Still waiting.

                • @Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
                  43 months ago

                  I’m sorry you feel that way, but none of what you’re saying in any way addresses my point: your argument is fundamentally based on the aforementioned false dichotomy. You are the most reliable protector of you. Nobody has a greater motivation to protect you than you. Regulation should recognize that fact.

                  I understand it may seem like I am “hyper focused” on this rebuttal to your argument, but that is only because you have asked for further response, without actually addressing my initial argument. You’ve presented no new arguments for me to consider.

    • @Narauko@lemmy.world
      43 months ago

      You must be white passing and at least middle class to trust bringing the police into any situation.

      • @Doomsider@lemmy.world
        13 months ago

        Like anyone who grew up poor you know not to trust anyone including officers. I have called 911 on guys beating their girlfriends. I have had an officer pull their gun on me for no reason. I have lived in big cities, small, and rural so I know a thing or two.

    • @auzy@lemmy.world
      -13 months ago

      I know you got downvoted, but in other countries and anywhere other than lemmy, the US and truth social, this is actually normal

      It’s crazy that extremist groups like the NRA have managed to brainwash so many Americans

      • @Doomsider@lemmy.world
        -23 months ago

        Oh I know what I was getting into by commenting on their post. I will gladly take downvotes from gun nutters.

        I appreciate what you say though because in the US it seems easy to question your sanity at times.

        • @auzy@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Yep… Whats crazy, is that literally a few months ago, everyone was pointing out how weird the nutters on the right wing are. And how rediculous the gun nuts are

          Now, somehow, there seems to have been some kind of concerted campaign that have made a lot of these people start to act exactly like the extreme right, where shooting seemingly anyone you don’t like is apparently “ok”. But at least a lot of those guys tied them to random conspiracy theories, whereas, what I’m seeing suddenly by some people on the left, is basically just blatant wanting to kill certain people

          • @Doomsider@lemmy.world
            03 months ago

            Well gun supporters have been at war with the truth for a long time. People I call gun nutters have an unhealthy obsession with guns. They keep them unsecured and loaded and like to fantasize about killing people in “self defense”.

            America’s obsession with guns definitely cuts both ways but when you compare the left and right wing 95% of attacks come from the right. It is an unfortunate reality but the people who we can least trust are the ones who are the most for guns.

            Really though this is a problem of regulation. Commercial interests have manipulated people into buying tools they don’t need which are misused and cause untold suffering.

          • @Senal@programming.dev
            03 months ago

            [Attenborough voice]

            “And here we see a wild false equivalency in it’s natural habitat. Camouflaged and perfectly suited to it’s environment, it goes unnoticed by many”

            “Some humans have started recording the mating calls of this and other closely related cousins in the misinformationum ridiculosus family in hope of harnessing the power of the sounds for themselves, results have been varied”

              • @auzy@lemmy.world
                -13 months ago

                I am a left winger. I’ve voted for the greens since I started voting

                And sorry, but America is full of crazies who are just calling for violence now.

                The right wing is calling for murdering random people like fauci, whereas a lot of people from the left seem to be happy CEO’s are getting shot and encouraging it

                It’s totally fucked. And yes, even Reddit is doing a better job moderating it at the moment.

                Nobody should be encouraging murder. Has this actually improved the health care at United? No. They’ll just replace the CEO and get more body guards

                But, if you encourage the development of laws, that might have an impact. Or it would have, until you guys voted for Trump

                • @Senal@programming.dev
                  3 months ago

                  Being left or right doesn’t change what a false equivalency is neither does describing each side in more detail.

                  This is

                  “I’m a left winger, the smooth mostly round seeded fruit that shares a name with the color orange is in fact the same as the road vehicle with four wheels, commonly used for transportation of goods that we normally call a car or ‘automobile’ in the old days”

                  I mean, I can list the false equivalencies if you like?

                  To clarify im not saying the point I think you’re trying to make is incorrect (though I do disagree with it), I’m saying you’re doing a bad job of making it.

                  If you are going to try and put forth or defend a position don’t do it with faulty logic and/or fallacies.

    • @Fades@lemmy.world
      -33 months ago

      All of your responses are being downvoted and for good reason. Maybe you need to rethink some things

      • @auzy@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        In other countries this is normal. Including here in Australia

        Maybe you need to rethink some things and get some perspective from countries where we don’t have regular mass shootings. Our kids don’t need to do training for school shootings

        What you’re doing clearly isn’t working

        That’s also why we didn’t get people trying to overthrow our Capitol

        It’s absolutely ridiculous at this point for an American to be giving any advice about guns