A few months ago I grabbed this torrent from rarbg, and it took weeks to download. Often going days with no seeders.
I finally got it, and decided I’d seed beyond my usual 2x to help others get this. Then rarbg went under, and now I think I’ll just keep this one going.
Alle meine Zuhausis hassen Waldorf Frommer!
Denen soll ne ente aus’m Arsch kriechen.
can you come back and tag this post with the correct language? would be neat
I’m trying but the save button just loops endlessly…
What difference does it make? Aren’t you able to see the comment?
It’s not so huge a concern right now, but it lets people that write userscripts write, say, a userscript to automatically translate a post into your preferred language from the post’s language.
Such a thing would be easier if the userscript could trust that a post is set to the language it’s written in.
This load circle thing is it implicitly failing due to you not having selected Deutsch as one of your languages in your profile (most likely).
There are other things it could be as well.
Interesting! I tried it a bit more:
Seems like it’s a problem with this comment in particular, but I can’t figure out why!
Edit: I found another comment set to “Deutsch”, written in german, that can’t be changed no matter what.
If you are going throught feddit.de there might be limitations on the languages you can select for comments. I think only German and undetermined are possible there.
I only really write in one language so I don’t have this problem, I just default to English.
But it’s interesting that some posts are hard to change.