• Just out of curiosity, what do you think is more progressive: a spaceship where all female crew is forced to wear miniskirts, a bridge crew that has exactly one woman, the part in the pilot where “Orion sex slaves” are introduced in the horniest possible way, or the married producer who was cheating on his wife with the only two relevant female cast members?

    The 1960s was a long time ago. While there are a lot of TOS that aged very well, the idea that the show would be decried as woke is straight up delusional.

      • Cow pies. “Original Star Trek” clearly referred to TOS.

        If OC meant a modern rendition of classic trek, they wouldn’t be speaking in hypotheticals. They’d just refer to SNW by name.

          • So by “original Star Trek” you’re actually referring to a fundamentally different series. This hypothetical version of Star Trek magically keeps everything you like about it, while shedding anything problematic or downright bad.

            The lengths anyone on this site will go to avoid admitting that they made a stupid hot take comment is wild.