• @chonglibloodsport@lemmy.world
    153 months ago

    Volunteer with an organization in your area. Meet people to work with and help people.

    I know this might sound really weird. Like “how can I help people when I have so many unmet needs myself?” But volunteering is the way to meet a need that we all have which can’t really be met by friends: the need to be needed.

    I suffered from depression for most of my adult life. Volunteering has done so much for me to help me feel valued, to show me I have something to contribute, and to give me a break from my own issues for a few hours at a time.

    It’s also a great place to make friends. And generally what I’ve found is that the people who volunteer are pretty nice, gentle people. Much more likely to make a good friend than a random person you might meet.

    I hope you decide to give it a try! You have so much to offer! And keep in mind that if you pick something you don’t really enjoy doing you can always try something else. My regular gig is a volunteer homework club for newcomer/refugee high school students. Been helping there for 8 years now. Love it!