So my dad broke the septic clean out cap with the lawn mower. He cannot find a replacement that is lower to the ground so I am printing a new one. Should I use PETG? Or another material. Also I hope this is not violating some form of regulation in the U.S.

      23 months ago

      Straight off the printer! I’ve never tried annealing and the minimal amount of poking around has been somewhat inconclusive. I tend to change materials when I want different physical properties. The vast majority of my prints are functional, and don’t need to be super pretty, so I buy mostly ASA and PETG these days.

      IME, PLA prints nicer than PETG, which in turn prints nicer than ASA. Also IME, ASA supports are super nice to remove. PETG is a massive PITA.

      Thankfully, I haven’t had a print that demanded very nice surface finished and also strength/ruggedness.