This is something that’s been frustrating me to no end recently as I’ve had a ton of time over the holidays to do whatever I want. I have a dozen half beaten games and half watched tv shows that I really should just finish but idk why I just can’t stick to one thing until it’s done and then move on to the next like a normal person.

    123 months ago

    that I really should finish

    That word “should” is a tricky little fella, he implies a judgement, the question is what’s the source of that judgement?

    Wayne Dyer discusses the issues and challenges of words like “should” in his book “Your Erroneous Zones” by using a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approach: examining and rewriting how we think about things.

    When I find myself using that particular word, I ask myself “should, according to who?”. Almost always I find I have an old “script” in my head about priorities, values, etc, that upon re-examining I find it’s no longer useful. Like “I bought this game, therefore I must get maximum value from it”.

    Sometimes things run their course, and that’s that.