• Yeather
    -63 months ago

    I have a few points to this.

    The first being) he already has, it’s called heaven, a world without harship, strife, and evil.

    The second being) the prevention of evil and the complete elimination of evil are different goals. If we are truly made in the image of god as the bible says, then god geels similar emotions to us as well. So the ultimate answer to the question of why hasn’t he is: he doesn’t want to.

    The third being) who is to say he has not already, and the goal post of what is evil has moved? How could we possible know god did not create a world before this, with “true evil” only to restart it into this world.

    The fourth being) in a world with free will and no evil, the definition if free will completely changes, so therefore he could, but it would not be the same to him or to us.

    • @apocalypticat@lemmy.world
      63 months ago

      The first being) he already has, it’s called heaven, a world without harship, strife, and evil.

      What does heaven look like for babies and embryos that die before reaching maturity? Are they just out there floating around by the hundreds of billions?

      • @markko@lemmy.world
        73 months ago

        Ignoring the insurmountable pile of contradictions in the bible, hell is actually the default afterlife destination due to humans being born with “original sin” (don’t know if that applies to embryos, but apparently god wasn’t aware of embryos when the bible was written).

        Each sect has their own beliefs on the matter, with the majority believing all babies and children go to heaven, even though the bible does not explicitly say that this is the case.

        • @apocalypticat@lemmy.world
          73 months ago

          Heaven / hell / whatever alternatives I’ve heard of have one thing in common: infinite time, which sounds like an absolutely miserable existence. It’s like that scene in the movie Beetlejuice where they draw a ticket for the queue, and you’re sitting there bored as shit forever. Apparently theres a word for fear of infinity: apeirophobia.

        • Yeather
          13 months ago

          Actually, what “original sin” truly is has been debated, many believe death itself is original sin, which is why heaven is eternal.

      • Yeather
        13 months ago

        Assuming your stance is embryos are alive: the default stance of most christians is the physical act of baptism and church rites are less important than the belief, a child incapable of understanding God would go to Heaven or Purgatory. In some sects it is not the physical birth that matters but the spiritual, your spirit is what goes to Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory when the body dies, and it can be argued embryos and newborns do not have a soul per se, just the capability to harbor one.

        • @apocalypticat@lemmy.world
          13 months ago

          My stance is irrelevant, but I believe there’s no “afterlife”, so all this stuff about god and whatnot is pure nonsense. It can bring up interesting philosophical questions sometimes though, about what is life and what does it mean to be good and to have a fulfilling life.