The reverse of that post I’ve made a week ago…

Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.

For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn’t take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG… These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.

  • nifty
    53 months ago

    The 90s in general were pretty bad for portrayal of trans and lgb+ characters. Remember Ace Ventura, first one?

    I agree, though, close minded people ruin everything.

    • Pet detective was my favorite movie growing up, now I try to forget it exists. Most movies haven’t aged well in terms of casual bigotry of all flavors. Yet they still hold value, some more than others. It’s just important to remember they were products of their time. Which makes them good measuring sticks for how audiences have changed. Sometimes the real joke is what I used to find funny as a kid.

      • nifty
        33 months ago

        Tbh, some of these scenes were pretty mind boggling to me even as a kid. Never understood what people have against different bodies.