After first being spotted in development in July of 2023, the Gboard beta is beginning to roll out an “Undo” button…

    • Cid Vicious
      12 months ago

      There’s a bug dating back to October that made Heliboard unusable for me, because it cuts off half of the keyboard in landscape. Looks like it just got fixed but hasn’t been rolled out yet. Meanwhile heliboard is just really bad about learning new words (tends to think capitalized words are a different word and adds them to the dictionary when you start a sentence with them, can’t seem to handle autocorrecting to a word with an apostrophe). I gave up on it and went back to Gboard and I don’t think I’m going back. Honestly I’m real frustrated with the state of android keyboards right now. Swiftkey used to be awesome but MS ruined it. Gboard is better than it used to be but it barely has an options for customizing it. I don’t know anything better.