Greetings, so I final got wife permission to buy a pi zero 2 and a beeline 12s pro (n100) arriving tomorrow. I already have a nas drive for my media.

Question is what is the average setup and guides for this?

Of course I will be scouring this and other communities for info but the immediate items I want to fix are my plex/jellyfin server, setup RetroArch or equivalent gaming, then of course arr servers. But I would like to also get into reverse proxy and searxng, next cloud and pihole.

Any tips on how to make this beautiful?

OS recommendations? I currently run manjaro on my daily, but would think a kubuntu or kde fedora/debian spin might be better for these items.

Guides you can point me to? Suggestions for more or better options? There are plenty of answers in this community and I will look at what’s posted but any assistance is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

I’m excited to start plying with the simple things

    • checksout
      33 months ago

      You people are misunderstanding me.
      I am from south asia and English is not my native tounge and society here is quite patriarchal.

      So i am genuinely interested to know what you meant 🥺

        23 months ago

        My apologies.

        In the west, we have an informal concept called “wife approval factor,” which is how supportive your wife would be about something. Then there’s the idea of “a happy wife, a life” and “if momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy,” so it’s in the husband’s interest to keep the wife happy.

        I thought this was pretty universally true. I have coworkers from very different parts of India (one Muslim from the north, the other Hindu from the very south), and if we have a surprise work-provided lunch, they’ll eat the one they brought from home at the end of the day so their wives don’t get mad at them not eating the lunch they prepared. So even in a very patriarchal society, they’ll still go out of their way to keep their wives happy.

        It’s not that women call shots (men get away with a lot of nonsense here), the “permission” is largely about keeping the wife happy.

        • checksout
          23 months ago

          I am also from India (North) and concept of “keeping wife happy” is applicable here.

          My poor English create lots of misunderstanding 🥲.

          Btw friends ✌️