WTF is wrong AI CEO tech bros. People don’t like making music? Get fucked.

    32 months ago

    The fact is most people don’t regularly make music. This is probably because it takes years of practice to make something that they think sounds good. If we make it easier to make music that sounds good, more people might express themselves through music.

        22 months ago

        How much AI music have you created? I’ve done quite a bit (and I also have 30+ years music making experience and a music degree), and I would consider it expressing oneself. You could question if photography is expressing yourself, because the camera “does it all for you”.

          2 months ago

          I can create music with real instruments so I have zero interest in AI music. I look at it like writing a book with ChatGPT.

          Yeah okay you supplied a prompt, but everything that defines the actual expression in music happens in the way you pluck the strings, bend the notes, choose the chord changes.

          This is akin to in photography choosing the film stock, setting the iso, framing the shot, etc.

          If you aren’t doing any of that, it’s more like commissioning a piece from a musician or photographer. You could call yourself a producer. It can be your concept, but it’s not your expression.

            12 months ago

            Yeah, I get what you’re saying and that’s a totally valid way of looking at it.

            The way I see it is if you’re not making the sound yourself, you’re using some instrument to create the sound. Whether that instrument is acoustic, electric, computer, or AI is just a matter of degrees. Is a musician who creates music from samples expressing themselves?

            For me with AI, I write the lyrics myself, give detailed description of how I want it to work. Then go through hundreds of generations, piecing together bits I like, regenerating bits I don’t. It’s not the same as playing guitar, but it’s still creative. And more importantly it’s fun.

      62 months ago

      This is not how it works historically. This is the horrible modern trend to make pastimes turn in to gigs. Who cares if it is not perfect? It feels good to make music. People would just get together at night and make music, tell stories, and generally just do fun things together to feel closer. We have focused too much on profit, again, in regards to an integral part of the human experience.

      You don’t have to be a pro at something creative to enjoy doing it.

      22 months ago

      I honestly don’t understand the concept of it being “easier” to make music. Like, okay, instruments can take a little time to learn. But, like, can you not whistle? Sing? Hum?

      Music, to me, largely makes itself. Refining and recording music, okay yeah that’s kinda hard. Memorizing other people’s music and learning to play it the way they do? Sure. Composing something you’re really happy with? Fair.

      But just… making music? I can’t think of anything easier or more natural. You just… make sounds happen.

      Like, do y’all not whistle little original tunes and write silly little songs to sing while you’re wandering around going about your day? It isn’t rocket science. It doesn’t have to be for anyone else or be flawless. There’s joy and beauty just in letting it out of you. It feels great.

      Getting an AI to write and compose some shit for you will never feel like that. It’s just screwing yourself out of the joy and catharsis of expression.