Got this notification when I opened Chrome when coming back to my desk after lunch.

“We changed our privacy settings to allow us to snoop on what you’re looking at and shove you ads accordingly. Feel free to opt out, but we’ll probably opt you back in when you aren’t paying attention.”

  • darcy
    262 years ago

    true, but remember the ads are mostly subconcious. you often wont think about buying something after seeing an ad, but in the back of your mind you might have a slightly better opinion, or mental association to the brand. so next time you go to buy a product your more likely to remember that brand and buy from them. as much as i would like to believe otherwise, no-one is immune to propaganda

      82 years ago

      If only it worked the other way as well:

      Doctor: “Your blood cholesterol is abysmal. Your blood is more similar to maple syrup than blood.”

      Subliminal advertising: “Mmm, Coca-Cola means DEATH.”