Imagine suddenly you no longer exist, poof, from one day to the next there is no more you.

What if you knew that this day would come in a month?
What if it wasn’t for another year?
Or in 5 years?

Would you spend your remaining time differently than you do now?
If so, why aren’t you already doing it?

  • PonyOfWar
    2 months ago

    Sure. No need to save up or plan for a future that never comes, so I’d stop saving up money and probably stop working depending on how far in the future it is. Then try to cram as many things that I always wanted to do as possible into my remaining time.

      12 months ago

      I might plan and save even more. I Have kids in college and my priority for almost 20 years has been to do my best to give them a good start in life. If I won’t live to see it, won’t have the income to make it so, I’ll live like a pauper to set aside enough for them to at least finish school