And they’re already kissing Trump’s ass

    1392 months ago

    Spreading for awareness, I’ve been posting this in relevant threads for a week - This is all theater.

    trump is going to “save” tik tok after starting the initial push to ban it (for the wrong reasons) to pretend he did something for you. Worst part is that all of the no/low info voters and non voters will eat it up.

    It’s the equivalent of a person pushing you into the middle of the street and at the very last second, that same person tells the drivers to all stop. “Wow, I owe you my life!”

    And now, this adds two layers:

    1. You think trump and the Supreme Court are colluding? now they get to say, nah uh!!! Even though again, this is all convoluted.

    2. trump gets to look “stronger” than the “highest court in the land” to help delude the next generation of low info tiktok folks.

    P.s. The Chinese “protest” apps are going to mine the FUCK out of these millions of phones in the brief window they have them. Also, when the kids inevitably move back to tiktok, majority of them will leave these other apps installed on their phones, dormant and collecting in the background.

    • Ulrich
      02 months ago

      Trump doesn’t have the power to “save” TikTok.

        • Ulrich
          2 months ago

          You know I could but seeing as you’re being an absolute twat for no reason at all, I’m sure it would be in vain to explain to you how Trump is not (yet) an emperor.

            02 months ago

            You openly represent yourself as a PhD, a cancer researcher, a college professor, more than that a department chair, with a public relations responsibility to your college… and you’re here in a tiktok thread calling me a twat in an open forum? And all in a passive defense of donald trump?

            • Ulrich
              2 months ago

              You literally just fabricated 100% of that. WTF is wrong with you?

                22 months ago

                Wow, so you’re saying that’s not you… So you’ve STOLEN this man’s identity? Uh oh…

                Where how do I report this fake account?

                • Ulrich
                  -12 months ago

                  Look out, the internet police has arrived! 👮‍♀️🚨🚔😂

                  Stop trying to distract everyone from what a twat you’re being.

                    22 months ago

                    So yes then? You’ve stolen that guy’s identity? Or you are too afraid to admit that?

      -42 months ago

      Why does Trump need to pretend to do something for you?

      Trump has your support no matter what. He will rape children but you’ll line up to vote for him.

      With that said he’s already in office. Your opinion is meaningless to him. He already got what he needed from you.

        22 months ago

        Stop trying to find reason in a situation devoid of reason. You’re clinging to that for personal comfort, if you feel like you can wrap it with a bow, you feel in control of it. You’re not.

        He’s a broken narcissist and a psychopath. His dad didn’t love him and told him so. He’ll spend every worthless day of his life trying to get his dead dad to say “I was wrong about you”, and of course, his dad is dead so that won’t happen (wouldn’t have anyway, as that guy was likely an even bigger piece of shit, just not born with money like trump was so didn’t reach the same heights).

        So ask yourself why you don’t realize the above. If there’s an end to this presidency, or if say he gets diagnosed with a terminal disease, there’s a non-zero chance he launches all of the nukes with the hope of a worldwide nuclear holocaust - because at the end of the day, if his life was ending, and you told trump he could press a button and be sure that nobody was laughing at him after death, posthumously convicting him of crimes or just pissing on his grave, he’d kill every single person on the chance.

        A stranger’s opinion is meaningless to him? Brother, it’s fucking everything to him.