So when I started programming in 2001, it was du jour in the communities I participated in to be highly critical of other languages. Other languages sucked, the people using them were losers or stupid, if they would just use a real language, such as the one we used, everything would just be better.


This sort of culturally-encoded language was really prevalent around condemning PHP and Java. Developers in these languages were actively referred to as less competent than developers in the other, more blessed languages.

And at the time, as a new developer, I internalised this pretty heavily. The language I was in was blessed, obviously, not because I was using it but because it was better designed than a language like PHP, less wordy and annoying than Java, more flexible than many other options.

It didn’t matter that it was (and remains) difficult to read, it was that we were better for using it.

I repeated this pattern for a really long time, and as I learned new languages and patterns I’d repeat the same behaviour in those new environments. I was almost certainly not that fun to be around, a microcosm of the broader unpleasantness in tech.

At least, until I got called on it.

    32 months ago

    What’s right is right no matter who says it. I don’t need to use Python to say I hate that Python has load-bearing whitespace. That’s part of why I don’t use Python. And if some Python diehard says Javascript both sucks and blows, I’ll probably agree with them, because I use that shit and it’s awful.

    Every programming language is awful.

    Programming is awful.

    It’s the intersection of pure untouchable mathematics and hard grinding engineering, as expressed through plain text. You have to be broken in a specific way to wrap your head around this nonsense. That’s why we’re all the same kind of snark-filled dork. It’s why Basic and visual scripting never catch on as intended - they’re beautifully simple, but normal people Do Not Get It, and anyone who does get it would be equally at-home with a 6502 cheat-sheet and WozMon.