Just gonna leave this here.

  • roguetrick
    12 years ago

    I always recommend brave to less tech-savvy people,

    Why exactly? The tricks like “optional things to click” are explicitly targeted on less tech savvy people and defeat the point of privacy focused browsers.

    • umbraroze
      12 years ago

      I’ve literally installed Firefox and uBlock Origin for elderly people, and walked some other elderly people through installing them. In, like, 2 minutes. This is not difficult.

      • QHC
        12 years ago

        Those are choices, not requirements. Using Firefox is better than using Chrome. Doing the extra stuff is even better, but if doing that means someone gives up and goes back to Chrome, that doesn’t help, either.

        Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

      • hoodatninja
        12 years ago

        Just getting somebody on Firefox with ublock origin is enough IMO. I’m not going to also remove their ability to use Google search. Especially if they’re older. I am very privacy oriented but you have to make some compromises for people lol.