Like autistic people get to be autistic. That’s a word, and it has meaning. Someone can be autistic because it’s a type of person (spectrumy type). In my opinion, ADHD sucks as an identifying term. It’s 3 letters, one repeated. It means nothing as it is spelled and can’t be owned as an identity because they’re letters, not a word. “I’m adhudd.” The initials include “disorder” in it. That sucks. Autistic people don’t go around saying, “Hi, I’m austically disordered,” cause that’s not accepting. Is there a term that is smooth and not judgmental for ADHD? Maybe we can take Aspergers since it got dropped, but add the ‘d’ to get “Adspergers”. Nah, that’s stupid af. What about multibrained? I feel multibrained because I act like I’ve got multiple brains running in my head doing their own thing all at the same time, and I bounce around them based on who knows what.

What? Oh, yes…I’ll have the spaghetti bolog-knees. Do you guys have red pepper…crushed red pepper? Yeah, thanks. Cool. I like your name tag. Is that really your name? Samsquatch?..oh! It’s Samuel, but you changed it to Samsquatch! I love Trailer Park Boys. Fuck off, Leahy! Yeah. Sorry. I got excited.

Okay. So…um, is there a descriptive word for ADHD that isn’t ADHD?

    • DankOfAmericaOP
      142 months ago

      Ok, it’s your moment. Let’s hear it all. Dump it. Why do you hate it?

      • Magister Sieran
        222 months ago

        I can’t speak for hypnicjerk, but I personally dislike the term because it feels too glib.

        I can’t do shit because of executive dysfunction and I forget things all the time, that’s not “spicy”, it’s preventing me from having a life.

        2 months ago

        it’s such a heckin pupper way to describe one of the biggest challenges i deal with in my life. i’m not grim about my neurodivergence but i’m sure not perky about it either.

        • Eyedust
          11 month ago

          I can respect this. I have all this creativity, 98th percentile in creative writing standard tests in the US (SATs, but this was also a while back), and I can’t ever get beyond the start of a book before I’m bored, hate it, feels like work. I’m immediately drawn to other, shinier things to do. Forget neurospicy, I feel neuroblocked. I’m neuroselective of what I want to neurodo.

          It’s like drowning, but you can pick from a bunch of tiny straws poking up in the water to get air. Some days you want the yellow straw, oh but wait the green straw looks good… but there’s that temptress the red straw in the corner, the sly devil. Sometimes you just want to breathe so you grab multiple straws in one day. Sometimes no straws look good and you just drown that day. However, by ADHD law, you can never use the same straw twice in a week.

      • Coelacanth
        82 months ago

        I also deeply dislike the phrase for much of the same reason as the other replies. It’s a phrase that evokes high-functioning TikTokers looking to quirkily stand out from the crowd and in general downplays the reality of many neurodivergent people and their very real, very tangible struggles.