I was flirting with Linux for 20 years. There was always something that put me off an I went back to Windows. Recently I installed ubuntu with Kde plasma and I’m not going back. It just works and is heaps faster on older hardware. The old driver issues are gone, compatibility is awesome. The only issue is getting used to new software names.
I dual boot fedora with plasma (it has all my laptop drivers without me having to install anything) with Windows and it’s pretty great, but I was out of Linux for a long time and there’s things I don’t remember. So I’m missing stuff and don’t have the time to relearn what I knew 20 years ago.
It works well enough for day to day tasks and dev work. Windows works well enough to run some games.
Surprisingly good. It’s no longer that depressing list of the same handful of open source games. These days you can be fairly confident most games will run OK, especially if you’re running Steam.
I was flirting with Linux for 20 years. There was always something that put me off an I went back to Windows. Recently I installed ubuntu with Kde plasma and I’m not going back. It just works and is heaps faster on older hardware. The old driver issues are gone, compatibility is awesome. The only issue is getting used to new software names.
I dual boot fedora with plasma (it has all my laptop drivers without me having to install anything) with Windows and it’s pretty great, but I was out of Linux for a long time and there’s things I don’t remember. So I’m missing stuff and don’t have the time to relearn what I knew 20 years ago.
It works well enough for day to day tasks and dev work. Windows works well enough to run some games.
How’s gaming support?
A large majority of games on steam work via proton.
For games outside steam, there’s a pretty good community around wine wrappers. I think it’s called lutris.
I used to play GTAV, assassins creed, and other AAA titles through it 4 years ago and its only gotten better.
Surprisingly good. It’s no longer that depressing list of the same handful of open source games. These days you can be fairly confident most games will run OK, especially if you’re running Steam.
Through Lutris, really good