What service would you recommend for receiving SMS confirmation codes etc. that is not blocked by most services (which probably only leaves the paid ones)?

  • SpicyAnt
    21 month ago


    • Anonymous SIM cards are an option where you live
    • You do not want to beacon your approximate location to cell towers continuously, BUT having a base station is acceptable

    (1) Router:

    You can get an LTE/5G router, just make sure that it has the option for SMS forwarding. For recieving SMS you do not need to have an “active” plan, you only have to prevent the SIM card from being cancelled. This usually happens after several months of not topping up, so you can top-up with a $5 code every 5 months or so. You can leave this plugged in in your home and have your SMS forwarder with a local number. In my case, I got rid of my ISP and make use of my 5G router for anonymous internet at home, but since I swap the SIM card for .

    (2) Raspberry Pi

    If you want more flexibility, you can get some form of LTE module for a raspberry pi. I use the SIM7600G-H. You can find this module as a HAT with a USB adapter. You put in a SIM card and you have LTE on your raspberry pi. You can then interface with the module by making use of ‘AT’ commands, and you can, for example, make a script that checks for the reception of SMS and then forwards them to your e-mail (or, in my case, XMPP).

    (3) Extra SMS phone

    Depending on why you do not want an SMS phone, an extra phone might work for you. It can be used similar to a router for forwarding while the phone stays at a fixed location, or you may even find it reasonable to bring it with you. It really depends on the specifics of what you are trying to achieve.

    If you do not want to beacon your approximate location to cell towers continuously, but having a base station is acceptable:

    I have used Cheogram for SMS forwarding and VoIP over XMPP. It does work some times, but it also does not work some times. Mixed results.

    If having a fixed-location base station is not acceptable to you, you can also reconsider why that is. Cell tower triangulation is not in isolation super accurate (they rely on the signal strength of connections to nearby towers). I suspect that if you really want to you can make the base station’s triangulated location even less reliable by playing with directional and/or moving antennas, but doing this incorrectly could make you stand out. Personally, I do not mind having an anonymous base station with an approximately location known to the network, as what I want to avoid is my person being continuously tracked.