Stuff like a pretty case with slots for optical drives, a laptop with a shitton of ports and all-day battery life or anything else that seems to go against the trends.

This thread is for complaining about how you can’t find it and (maybe) finding it thanks to someone else.

    2 months ago

    A IP68 e-ink Linux phone with both wireless charging and induction charging (to charge other devices), no cameras at all, solar panel on the back, usb-4 and headphone jack, 1TB storage , 15’000 mAh battery, two separate WiFi cards (to allow simultaneous hotspot and client use), and finally a radio transiever for both short range comms and long range AM and FM radio.

    Technically possible with current technology, but as far as I can tell, completely unavailable in the consumer market.

    Price, size and weight are irrelevant for all usecasses of such a product, as far as I’m concerned.