• Cowbee [he/they]
    41 month ago

    “Tankie” is a caricature. The idea of a tankie is the ideal vision of a McCarthyian Communist. In reality, the overwhelming majority of people labeled as such don’t actually fit that label, it’s more of a way to cast an image of someone’s positions based on, say, support for AES countries, and twist that into the evil Commie Pinko that haunts the dreams of 1960s children in the US.

    Moreover, calling Communists “fascists” makes about as much sense as libertarians complaining about the US government being “Communist.” It’s entirely divorced from reality and rests upon dramatic errors in understanding what fascism is, and how AES states are run. I recommend reading Blackshirts and Reds to understand why fascism and Communism are in no way comparable, as well as Is the Red Flag Flying? The Political Economy of the Soviet Union to see how the Socialist economy functioned in the USSR.

    • @neons@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      -41 month ago

      The idea of a tankie is the ideal vision of a McCarthyian Communist

      So you’re saying that tankies aren’t communists?

      Moreover, calling Communists “fascists” makes about as much sense as libertarians complaining about the US government being “Communist.”

      I thought you just said that Tankies aren’t communists? Because the alternative is that communism is when you genocide uyghurs to create Lebensraum for the han chinese. Which is just fascism.

      It’s entirely divorced from reality and rests upon dramatic errors in understanding what fascism is

      I spent years learning about fascism just to be lectured by a fascist charading as a communist on the internet lol

      as Is the Red Flag Flying? The Political Economy of the Soviet Union to

      I just quickly put it through Perplexity and: “For example, he interprets the 1956 Hungarian intervention as a pre-emptive strike against Western powers gaining influence in the Eastern Bloc”

      It is Tankie shit. Imperialism bad, unless the Flag is red, then massacring workers and women is actually good. And from doing the same with the blakshirts book it seems the author has no Idea of how fascism came to rise or willingly lies about it to push his narrative.

      Calling tankies communists is a disservice to the entire ideology of communism. If you want to simp for an authoritarian strongman just be honest with yourself and call yourself a fascist.

      • Cowbee [he/they]
        41 month ago

        I said “Tankie” is a caricature, another term might be “strawman.” They don’t exist. It doesn’t matter if these caricatures are Communist or not, the descriptor isn’t an actual position but a term akin to “Pinko.” Trying to seriously gauge someone’s position based on calling them a Pinko, rather than, say, a Marxist-Leninist, is silly.

        Your entire comment reads in bad-faith. The Uyghur people aren’t being executed en-masse or forcibly sterilized, yet you liken re-education camps to literal industrialized mass-murder. There’s a genuine conversation to be had surrounding China’s treatment of Uyghur people that doesn’t require Holocaust trivialization.

        Similarly, you let an AI summarize a book for you in order to avoid engaging with it, and yet Syzmanski is correct. MI6 funded, supplied, and trained the Hungarian counter-revolutionaries. These counter-revolutionaries were allied with fascists who were lynching Jewish people and Communists.

        "The special correspondent of the Yugoslav paper, Politika, (Nov. 13, 1956) describing the events of those days, said that the homes of Communists were marked with a white cross and those of Jews with a black cross, to serve as signs for the extermination squads. “There is no longer any room for doubt,” said the Yugoslav reporter, “it is an example of classic Hungarian fascism and of White Terror. The information,” continued this writer, “coming from the provinces tells how in certain places Communists were having their eyes put out, their ears cut off, and that they were being killed in the most terrible ways.”

        “But the forces of reaction were rapidly consolidating their power and pushing forward on the top levels, while in the streets the blood of scores of massacred Communists, Jews, and progressives was flowing.”

        “Some of the reports reaching Warsaw from Budapest today caused considerable concern. These reports told of massacres of Communists and Jews by what were described as 'Fascist elements’ …” (N.Y. Times, Nov. 1. 1956)

        “The evidence is conclusive that the entry of Soviet troops into Budapest stopped the execution of scores, perhaps thousands of Jews, for by the end of October and early November, anti-Semtic pogroms - hallmark of unbridled fascistic terror - were making their appearance, after an absence of some ten years, within Hungary.”

        "A correspondent of the Israeli newspaper Maariv (Tel Aviv) reported:

        During the uprising a number of former Nazis were released from prison and other former Nazis came to Hungary from Salzburg . . . I met them at the border . . . I saw anti-Semitic posters in Budapest . . . On the walls, street lights, streetcars, you saw inscriptions reading: “Down with Jew Gero!” “Down with Jew Rakosi!” or just simply “down with the Jews!”

        Leading rabbinical circles in New York received a cable early in November from corresponding circles in Vienna that “Jewish blood is being shed by the rebels in Hungary.” Very much later-in February, 1957-the World Jewish Congress reported that “anti-Semitic excesses occurred in more than twenty villages and smaller provincial towns during the October-November revolt.” This occurred, according to this very conservative body, because “fascist and anti-Semitic groups had apparently seized the opportunity, presented by the absence of a central authority, to come to the surface.” Many among the Jewish refugees from Hungary, the report continued, had fled from this anti-Semitic pogrom-like atmosphere (N.Y. Times, Feb. 15, 1957). This confirmed the earlier report made by the British Rabbi, R. Pozner, who, after touring refugee camps, declared that “the majority of Jews who left Hungary did so for fear of the Hungarians and not the Russians.” The Paris Jewish newspaper, Naye Presse, asserted that Jewish refugees in France claimed quite generally that Soviet soldiers had saved their lives."

        Color me surprised, the one calling Communists “fascist” and doing Holocaust trivialization is a defender of Nazis. Read Blackshirts and Reds.

        • @neons@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          -31 month ago

          I said “Tankie” is a caricature, another term might be “strawman.” They don’t exist

          And literally in the next paragraph he denies the uyghur genocide.

          The Uyghur people aren’t being […] forcibly sterilized

          except they literally are.

          And then he parrots soviet propaganda on why their imperialism was actually not imperialism lol

          Color me surprised, the one calling Communists “fascist” and doing Holocaust trivialization is a defender of Nazis.

          Strawmanning and moving the goalpoast. Tried and True Tankie Method.

          Go wank another one to the poster of Stalin over your bed. A serious discussion is not possible with someone living detached from reality. Have a good one.

          • Cowbee [he/they]
            81 month ago

            What do you think a genocide is? You compared re-education camps to the Holocaust, industrialized mass-murder of over 10 million people. Read the UN report on Human Rights Violations in Xinjiang. There’s a lot here that can be discussed without bringing up lies like “forced steralization.” Such claims originate with Christian Nationalist Adrian Zenz, who believes China is the antichrist. His claims of forced sterilization (paid for by BBC, I might add) constitute a misreading of 8% of new IUDs in China going to Uyghurs for 80%. Uyghurs were even exempt from the One Child Policy.

            You have no way of defending the fact that you just called the New York Times “Soviet Propaganda” when it reveals the Nazi-led pograms in Hungary, you just double down and continue to bat for literal Nazis. It isn’t a strawman, you literally defended the MI6 funded and trained Nazi Pograms and lynchings of Jewish People and Communists, it doesn’t get more clear-cut than that.