Trump administration officials fired more than 300 staffers Thursday night at the National Nuclear Security Administration — the agency tasked with managing the nation’s nuclear stockpile — as part of broader Energy Department layoffs, according to four people with knowledge of the matter.

    1201 month ago

    Reminds me of when I would root my phone and then go through stripping out anything I didn’t understand assuming it was bloat or spyware. I’d typically end up frustrated that my device didn’t seem to run very well.

        261 month ago

        “government doesn’t work!!”

        /proceeds to cripple any/all functionality of gov

        “See?! I told ya it doesn’t work” 🥴

        • Rowan Thorpe
          181 month ago

          Just like the playbook against NHS in UK:

          “NHS doesn’t work, it must be privatised (and contracted out to companies owned by my friends)!!”

          /proceeds to starve funds and undermine NHS at every turn

          “See?! I told ya it doesn’t work” 🥴

    • IninewCrow
      211 month ago

      lol … idiots are trying to root the US government and don’t know what they are doing. Hopefully they won’t brick everything and go out and buy an overpriced brand new iphone.

        461 month ago

        Bricking it is their goal. They aren’t stupid, they’re malicious, which is orders of magnitude worse.

        They act stupid, cuz their base are fucking morons and find it relatable, but don’t assume any of the damage they’re doing isn’t 100% intentional.

          111 month ago

          I mean, c’mon, maybe that was a case a while ago but a) yes they fucking are, the most selfish thing you can do is take care of others because that’ll come back around into a support system no one can take from you, either, and b) all the “smart” ones created all these dumb as rocks ones and now the idiots they created have come to be in charge.

          They absolutely are stupid, and it’s a huge fucking problem.

            1 month ago

            Part of the problem with Trump and the other Trumpanzees following in his his footsteps is that we constantly give them the village-idiot pass and fail to hold them accountable.

            When it comes to politics, world leaders, CEOs - it’s the the opposite of Hanlon’s Razor. Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice.

            If their actions cause damage, I’m going to assume it was calculated and intentional, especially when it’s a pattern that repeats itself on a daily fucking basis.

            And honestly, you’re probably right. Especially as you go lower and lower down the Nazi chain of command, the spectrum slides from evil to stupid. But if there’s even an inkling of a chance that that any one of those Nazis has the self awareness to realize that they are in fact the badies, but stay the course anyway cuz they’re fucking evil, then that’s the assumption I’m rolling with.

            Treat these traitors like the threat they are, regardless of their motive or capability.

              91 month ago

              It’s absolutely both, and I never said that they should not be held accountable. They are unclever gorillas smashing the place up and yes, it is absolutely for evil, evil reasons but that doesn’t mean these are deep, well thought-out schemes. It’s basic garbage for garbage people, a idiot’s genius. Yes, it’s calculated, but the math is of a grade one level and even then they don’t always get it right but you bet they’re still trying to be as evil as possible.

              Being a conservative almost requires one to be dumber than a bag of hammers. The only reason most of them get anywhere is because other idiots like the useless centrists refuse to hold them accountable so we all act like they’re clever when really they’re just shielded from consequences. Elon Musk is as dumb as they come and we all know exactly what he’s doing it’s just that when he buys Twitter for way too much money and blows it up he doesn’t have to deal with any fallout and can keep that shitstorm running out of pure spite and lighting billions of dollars on fire.

                31 month ago

                I never said that they should not be held accountable.

                Oh, that bit wasn’t meant to refute something you said. I’m mostly just bitching into the void right now - it looks like we see eye-to-eye on pretty everything here except perhaps splitting hairs over when to use the label ‘stupid’ vs ‘evil’. I do try to avoid the former cuz it detracts from establishing intent, but not a single thing you’ve said so far is wrong.

                But yeah, I don’t mean to be argumentative or anything, I’m just pissed off.