• @MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    21 month ago

    As a person who did this for a job in my youth, may I first say, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

    As a worker, collecting stray carts that people left around the parking lot ate up the most time and was the least productive time I’ve ever spent while working. Also, at the store I worked at was fairly popular, on busy days, just collecting carts from the corrales took up enough time that I didn’t really have time left over to make up for you being a lazy asshole.

    As a consumer, I put away other people’s stray carts, not only for the reasons above but because I don’t want the cart demon to direct the carts into my car and cause it any damage. I also don’t want my discarded cart to end up causing damage to anyone else’s car. So fuck you for creating an easily avoidable problem that has the potential to damage my property. You suck.

    Objectively, returning your cart is the correct, and proper path to take. However, nobody will arrest you, or fine you for not doing it. It is purely voluntary, but universally recognized as the right thing to do. Since you do not do it, what does that mean about you as a person? I think it means you’re a dickhead.

    Stop being selfish and lazy, then justifying it with “someone gets paid to do that”. No, that’s not the reason. The reason is that you’re a terrible person, an asshole, and a dickhead.

    So I reiterate: fuck you, and the horse you rode in on.

    • @Snapz@lemmy.world
      11 month ago

      Again, not addressing the valid points I’ve introduced. Also, very odd phrasing throughout…

      “Did this for a job in my youth?” We humans don’t speak like that? Also, “in my youth” sounds like the shopping cars you were collecting were horse drawn.

      “the least productive time I ever spent while working?” Who the fuck worries about productivity in a minimum wage job like this? “Yeah, I don’t know Dad… I’ve just been really worried lately that my productivity is down this quarter. I’m cleaning up less vomit per hour at Weiner Hut than typical and I’m just worried the business owner isn’t extracting as much profit from my labor as they could be…”

      • @MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
        11 month ago

        Thanks for the ad hominem response.

        I will take your comments under advisement exactly as much as I have respect for your opinion.

        Have a good day.