and why doesn’t everybody vote? I don’t understand why it isn’t mandatory i think everyone should have to, men, women, and children. If you can read the ballot, you should be able to vote. I know my nephew wouldn’t have voted for trump and he’s 10!

  • FuglyDuck
    27 days ago

    Roughly, 40% of Americans simply didn’t vote. Of the remaining 60%, half (30%) voted for Harris.

    That makes - roughly- 70% who didn’t vote for trump.

    A word of warning, we don’t know who that 40% would have voted for had they been forced to. I assume it would follow the same percentages as those who do vote, but there’s no way to know.

    Edit: Also note, that’s of eligible voters. 32% of the US population is ineligible to vote (roughly 8% of the total population are adults that are ineligible.)

      826 days ago

      Of course, it’s also important to realize that 70% of Americans were fine with Trump being president. 70% of America didn’t vote for Harris when Trump was the likely outcome of the election.

        526 days ago

        Some people also voted ideologically, like wanting to show that Stein, etc. had a following and that people dislike the 2-party system. That doesn’t mean that they “were fine with Trump being president.”

          126 days ago

          So the electoral college complicates things somewhat - a voter for Stein in California probably thought their vote would have no impact anyways - but voters for Stein in more competitive states were absolutely fine with Trump being president.

          Due to the vote shenanigans in 2020 I think it was wise in this last election to vote for Harris because had their been an electoral college/popular vote split with Harris winning the college Trump would absolutely try and overturn the results again… but I know most Americans are less politically aware.