1. Why is fat spread on the bread different than fat poured in the pan? The sandwich comes out different depending your method here. 1A. Which method do you prefer?

  2. What fat do you use? Butter? Mayonnaise? Some super cool other thing that I haven’t tried? Again the sandwich comes out different, both in flavor and texture depending on the fat of choice.

  3. Best cheese and bread for the sandwich?

  • Che Banana
    32 years ago

    Spot on.

    Sometimes to be fancy its mozzarella (fresh, not the shreddy pizza or slice sammich type) and mix olive oil, butter, pesto as a spread.

    • Theroddd he/him/hisOP
      2 years ago

      I stopped using pre shredded cheese so I’m with you there! Have also used olive oil. And for extra fancy I have done olive oil on bread, then crust the oil side in parm. It gets an interesting crunchy salty nutty crust. edit (I immediately regret my choice of phrase there, but I’m leaving it.)