
Trump is pushing for softer language on Russia’s war in Ukraine, straining G7 unity.

Officials say the U.S. is blocking references to “Russian aggression” and prefers calling it the “Ukraine conflict.”

This shift follows Trump’s peace talks with Putin that excluded Ukraine’s President Zelensky, whom Trump later called a “dictator.”

The change in rhetoric contrasts with Biden-era support for Ukraine and threatens a unified G7 stance.

  • Snot Flickerman
    27 days ago

    Do what they did to Russia, kick the US the fuck out and start calling it the G6. It was the G8 from 1997 to 2014, they can stand to lose another.

    The US is literally trying to kickstart an economic depression in the US. Why the fuck would you want these guys in economics talks when they clearly understand FUCK ALL about economics? A US depression will fuck up the rest of the world’s economics as well, and that’s clearly the long-term goal.

      7527 days ago

      If I recall correctly, it’s about destabilizing the Dollar and making their (China and Russia’s) financial system become the world standard…

      It all comes down to money. It always does.

        27 days ago

        When Trump does something, the party that controls House, Senate and Supreme court follows his marching orders, the richest and most influential individuals act as his lieutenants, almost half of the country agree with it, and the other half doesn’t resist or strike, then YES! THE US DOES THE THING!

        The Nazis didn’t have 100% popular support in Germany. They didn’t have 50% active supporters. They had 10% party membership, even though non-members couldn’t enter a career in many fields, were harassed by authorities, and lots of people were entered into the party automatically.
        Still, it was NAZI GERMANY.

          -1027 days ago

          AND… within Nazi Germany, were real Germans who stood against Nazism, however they could…

          there are a few books on that, “An Honorable Defeat” is one I’ve heard-of.

          Oversimplification is anti-survival: it is just another ideology/prejudice/“religion”.

          The US, the official US, is now Trump’s property, & Trump ( CURRENTLY ) is Putin’s property, & Musk’s.

          I expect Trump to have a minor aneurism/stroke or something, which will remove empathy from him, completely.

          ( he’s fighting that personality-conversion, in my view )

          But no matter how psychopathic/machiavellian/nihilist/sadistic the official US becomes, there’s good people there.

          ( remember that biblical thing, can’t remember who it was, perhaps Abraham,

          who argued with G-D, that if there are good people there, then don’t destroy the place?

          I think he was doing the wrong-selectivity: he should have been demanding that they, the good people,

          be spared the destruction that G-D was about to toss on the evil…

          & if it was the Sodom & Gomorrah story,

          then as I’ve pointed-out before, if the angels visiting the good guy who lived there had been female angels,

          & the gang-rapers trying to get in had been intending heterosexual-rape,

          that would not, in any way, whatsoever, have made their intent non-evil.

          It wasn’t their sexual-orientation, it was the gang-raping-angels, that made it abomination.

          Anyways, back to the original message : )

          Back on reddit I was permabanned from some communities, simply for posting in specific-other communities.

          The Problem™ I had with that?

          I’d been commenting in those other communities specifically to counter the abuse they were heaping on somebody.

          So, I got judged to be one-of-the-abusers because of the venue I’d spoken in, which I’d spoken-in only to counter its abuse…

          I’ve been gaslit all my life, & am fed-up with it.

          Differentiate correctly, & don’t abuse the innocent, is one of the rules-of-life I live by, now.

          _ /\ _

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        3327 days ago

        There’s an Arabic saying that roughly translated goes something like this: Sins are wide and good deeds are narrow. The meaning is that when a large part of a group of people is sinful, just not being implicated in sin doesn’t protect you; you have to work to stop or you have no business trying to be excused from whatever punishment will come. In other words, you gotta work to stop the evil being done or you’re well within the moral blast radius. So… That’s what’s going on here; with this framework more than 99% of America is guilty.

          -227 days ago

          I think the Dems are more guilty of being foolish, than of intentionally-accommodating “GEOTUS”…

          Biden blocked Harris from campaigning until it was too-late, & … whatshername … Pelosi’s threat to destroy Biden’s campaign was the only thing which finally pried his hands off the opportunity…

          They lived entirely-within Hopium.

          They … mostly, or nearly-all, possibly-all, … aren’t going to survive the US Civil War Part2 which will erupt when it becomes enacted that there isn’t going to be any 2028 election, or sometime around then, anyways…

          I don’t expect much of the population of this continent to survive the next decade…

          & many have worked, hard, at preventing this…

          The male-supremacists & the white-supremacists who voted against Harris, THEY are guilty, certainly…

          _ /\ _

            27 days ago

            I mean, can’t we go back to the way that the Dems refused to see that Hillary was not popular, and how party leaders actively intervened to make sure that no one resembling an actual Dem (Bernie) got the nomination?

            I think that’s really where the writing was on the wall - sabotage a popular candidate with the kind of populist support that we saw launch Trump into office, to platform someone who was probably one of the most hated women in America?