LCD screens, dominant in laptops and tablets, tend to get turned way up.

    • enkers
      28 days ago

      Your own source disagrees with you:

      ###Are there benefits to using dark mode?

      The research into dark mode’s effects is far from conclusive. But anecdotally, some people claim that using dark mode does benefit them.

      ####Dark mode may reduce eye strain

      Fans of dark mode claim that it can increase the amount of contrast between the text that you’re reading and the background.

      This would, in theory, make it easier to read on your device. Since reading for long spans of time on a screen can lead to eye strain and dry eye, it seems like it might be worth giving it a try to give your eyes a break.

      ####Dark mode may cut down on blue light exposure

      Blue light exposure does have demonstrated side effects, such as difficulty sleeping and eye strain.

      Dark mode may cut down on your exposure to blue light, but you may also achieve these results by turning down the brightness of your screen after dark, especially when the space around you is dark.

      • The_Decryptor
        428 days ago

        “Fans claim it may offer an improvement” isn’t exactly a definitive statement.

        From what I understand the research does actually show little to no improvement for either mode, which is actually a bit odd because we know the eye performs better the brighter the surroundings (Since it causes the pupil to contract, increasing the depth of field)

        Maybe it’s a sign that we just need more research into the effectiveness in interfaces.

        225 days ago

        Screw all that, dark mode is better for my brain.

        Light mode makes my pupils dilate more which probably corrects my vision a little better, But I’m not constantly seeking out dark mode on all my applications for nothing. I feel better reading text in dark mode than I do in light mode.

      • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
        28 days ago

        The research into dark mode’s effects is far from conclusive. But anecdotally, some people claim that using dark mode does benefit them.

        Studies on whether dark mode and other blue light filtering solutions work to mitigate blue light exposure are inconclusive. However, it seems dark mode is more likely to affect sleep rhythm than eye strain.

        • enkers
          428 days ago

          You made a categorical claim that is not substantiated. In fact, you’re even ignoring evidence to the contrary solely because it’s anecdotal.

          As the idiom goes, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

          • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
            -128 days ago

            Just because the evidence is not to your liking it doesn’t mean there is not any evidence.