Don’t. Just don’t.

Go on a walk. Feed your dog. Maybe read a fucking book. Do literally anything else.

  • Destide
    1228 days ago

    Tutorials are largely pretty shit:

    Sad thing is, you only realise once you learn a fair bit. All these “lifestyle” programmers I used to follow that were literally making out they were the next Carmack, just re-wording Wikipedia or the intro docs. From someone who is only a couple of years into their job as a React copy and paste engineer. Now if I see an intro where they’re making coffee and lofi is playing I click off, give me a 420p video with a distorted mic and constant electrical humming.

    Then you have the Udemy courses where you can just chuck in the recent patch notes and say the course is updated to 2025 even though you’re referencing dead tech in the tutorial then an hour later up pops a PowerPoint please disregard the section about API’s for dot matrix printers.

    • 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮OP
      28 days ago

      All these code gurus with code quality of chatgpt 🤢 yet fancy lighting setups and VFX intros. Still, sometimes you can find a real gem in the wild on some humble but informative website.