I have a nearly 4 year old neutered female cat. I have been thinking about adopting another cat, but I fear they won’t get along. Current cat is not really social, rarely likes being touched, instead requires attention: playtime, being near (but far enough), etc.

What are your experiences with second cats? Are there age / gender combinations which are the safest?

Edit: thanks for all the replies! Forgot to mention that she is an indoor cat.

  • Lemminary
    224 days ago

    I always recommend people get at least two cats and never only one. They groom each other and they keep themselves company.

    Cats do get lonely because they’re social creatures, despite popular belief to the contrary.

    • Captain Aggravated
      224 days ago

      I think it depends on the cat.

      My cat loves people and hates other cats. I’ve never seen her interact with another cat in a way that wasn’t screaming and slapping. She adores humans though. In fact I’m gonna go hang out with her on the couch and watch TV.