Born in 01. I’m excited to be 24 and have a celebration with my girlfriend and family, but I feel OLD.

What is the cutoff? When do you stop being a young woman?

(I was going to say I wish I was still around 10 years younger when I realized that people born in 2011 are going to be/are 14 and not 5.)

Other edit: It’s been almost 8 years since my Sweet 16. Holy crap. My sister was 6.

    626 days ago

    Young and old is relative. I side with those saying young is until 40, then you’re middle aged.

    • darreninthenet
      326 days ago

      Whereas I’m in my late 40s and don’t feel particularly old… if anyone describe me as middle aged I’d assume they were joking around 😂

        125 days ago

        I’d just presume they mean you’re no spring chicken anymore. I’m in my late 30s, don’t feel old at all, most people say I look ten years younger than my actual age. But I don’t feel like I belong in the same category as someone in their 20s. Middle aged would be the most appropriate way to describe me in a couple years, even if I don’t look the part.