• @inv3r5ion@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    21 month ago

    People are conditioned to think “Capitalism must be good because I have infinite selection of infinite consumption!” While justifying the exploitation of the third world workers.

    What’s funny is even that is a ruse and not true. Go to any chain supermarket and your options will be derived from a tiny handful of massive conglomerates. Even the produce and deli section! It’s not infinite selection, it’s infinite marketing.

    Colonialism was about exploiting the external realms for resources and concentrating the wealth into one spot. For a while, the American peasantry benefitted and got comfy. Now that fascism is here, all that wealth will be further concentrated and they/we become the exploited ones.

    Capitalism ran out of foreign resources to exploit and is now going after the imperial core. The 2008 crash and especially the aftermath is the start of that IMO. And that aftermath was entirely bipartisan with Obama stuffing his cabinet with Goldman Sachs people.

    Democrats can’t seem to draw the line between that action and trumps election and reelection.

    • @EndRedStateSubsidies@leminal.space
      1 month ago

      Can we make out? 😂

      Obama said we weren’t ready for gay equality and handled the insurance lobby the Heritage Foundation’s ACA promising customers while redefining enemy combatants to execute American citizens without due process.

      Bush2 revenge for Daddy where Cheney’s Haliburton mercs made half a million while troops had to write home for rations and body armor.

      Clinton balanced the budget but unleashed the third way neo liberal rainbow Republicans.

      Bush 1 tax cuts and bullshit oil wars.

      Reagan. Fuck Reagan with a rusty pike. Between repealing the fairness doctrine and education sabotage, a lot of this falls on that cunt’s shoulders…

      But Nixon gave away healthcare to Permanente.

      Johnson warned of the very racists he courted but luckily he loved black votes more than he hated black voters.

      Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex he empowered much like Biden warned of the oligarchs he spent 40 years working for and not taxing.

      Goldwater warned of the religious fanatics taking over the Republican party.

      But you go back to Smedly Butler and the Business Plot and you’ll see the last 100 years have been a slow walk back of all of the things FDR accomplished.

      They really gloss over the fact FDR was a socialist elected into office for 4 consecutive terms. The 2 term limit stemmed from business interests upset that people were being protected and didn’t want any more of this socialism nonsense where society works for society and not just the rich.

      In fact, every study on term limits shows they’re bad because you don’t get rid of paid for shills but you do lose the Sanders types that do the job well because they’ve done it properly.

      I’ve always found it funny how the people that fall for this shit also have very firm stances against estate taxes despite having negative net worth.

      Most people’s opinions are spoon fed to them and they just never really question why they believe anything or notice how most of it is conflicting nonsense.

      • @inv3r5ion@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        11 month ago

        Can we make out? 😂

        Lol. Where are you located (vaguely is fine)? Are you female and between the ages of 25-45? If so and not on the other side of the world, maybe! 🤣

        Yes to all the rest although I’d argue FDR was a social democrat and not a socialist.

    • @EndRedStateSubsidies@leminal.space
      21 month ago

      To the point of 2008 specifically-

      Firstly, it never ended. They just hooked the money printer up and left rates near 0 for a decade. None of the underlying issues were actually fixed. They didn’t stop over leveraging MBS, they just expanded to commercial real estate and auto loans.

      Further, that’s just the scapegoat. The MBS shit was just used as collateral. The problem was they were shorting VW massively and Porsche bought controlling interest causing a massive short squeeze and the computers that listen to rules liquidated their asses to cover.


      2021 was basically the same thing with GameStop. Massive illegal short positions causing short squeezes when the banks cheat and lose.

      When you look into cellar boxing and the Sec’s absolute refusal to do anything about obvious crime certified by statical analysis under both flavors of administration over decades there really is no other conclusion to come to beyond the uniparty leading us all to a fate of their donor’s choosing.

      They’re either oblivious and incompetent or wholly complicit…

      Then on the other front of Occupy Wall Street in response… The protests (undermined by billionaire ownership) were full of plain clothes cops inciting violence to get SWAT in. The ridiculous attention seeking X slams Y headlines increased something like 1600% post OWS as a direct effort to schism society over every line it could make up and why millennials started being blamed for killing everything ridiculous and wanting raises became entitled quiet quitting.

      But we get heart warming stories about elementary school kids paying their parents cancer bills with bracelets made out of their lost hair.