“Trumpism is not going to be defeated by inside-the-Beltway politicians,” he said.

  • @kreskin@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    Omars great, and its great that Martin wrote an endorsement. I worry that DFL is parrelel to good policy but is maybe not where it needs to be philosophically to be effective, much as I liked Waltz as Harris’ running mate. I liked him a lot more than I liked Harris.

    Martin’s DFL is better than the DNC sure, but are they getting it right enough to be the group thats going to save the day if we stand behind them?

    Its become Amy Klobachars pet group. She’s the one sr. senator they have. The same Klobachar who argued in court often to exceed maximum sentences and bragged about it constantly, and was the runner up to be Bidens VP. My Klobachar problem and by extension DFL, is that in her term in office she declined to prosecute every single police corruption and abuse case that hit her desk, including Derek Chauvins murder of George Floyd. Thats just not right, and it stinks of centrist cowardice-- and it should be the end of her leadership potential. What does that failing mean in terms of how progressive she will be? Because in your face, dont-ask-for-permission progressivism for the peoples causes is what we need, not more centrism and fear of being called “soft on crime” or weak on foriegn policy-- which was always Bidens greatest fear-- being called names by republicans. We dont need someone who cowers and fears first and leads second.