Especially for the less tech-savvy among us?

  • chi-chan~
    -51 month ago

    Because his grandma can’t type a password 30 characters long just to restore her messages.

    They are so smart and still make some choices that are so, so, *so dumb*. ‘No history on a new PC for you, it’s a ״feature״’. Seriously? c’mon.

      101 month ago

      History isn’t stored on the server so it can’t be automatically populated on a new device. That is a feature. The alternative, storing the messages on the server or having the means for one device to clone all of its messages to another device, would be insecure.

      A 30 character long password is required in order to have enough bits of entropy so that the backed up messages are actually secure.

      Grandma isn’t moving her data to a new PC without assistance, the person that is assisting her should be competent enough to operate Signal.