“Trumpism is not going to be defeated by inside-the-Beltway politicians,” he said.

  • Tasty Saganaki
    923 days ago

    It is super easy to say Bernie is useless and then offer zero solutions yourself. I genuinely ask- who’s out there doing it better? What should he and others be doing instead? The left needs constructive organizing, not negative take downs with no counter points or real world solutions as alternatives.

    • I’m saying Bernie missed his moment. There is no better because we don’t know what to do with this moment. We haven’t built anything outside of Bernie and that failed.

      Anyone who thinks they know what to do isn’t recognizing what was lost when the Bernie campaigns failed. And maybe that’s what’s needed. To really see clearly how the Bernie moment failed to connect with the American public. We can complain that it was the Democrats fault. But damn if didn’t fail in important ways as well.