I wonder which would be better. There is 10 books from The Expanse universe + all the TTRPG sources. Coriolis has only ttrpg books. So I dont know if i could sink into its lore. There is also foundry vtt support. Here i see there is vtt module (paid) for coriolis. It is hard to choose space opera system 😅

  • @SamuraiBeandog@lemmy.world
    321 days ago

    I don’t know the Expanse rpg but Coriolis is a great system and setting. However it’s lore isn’t “hard” scifi like The Expanse, it has pseudo-scientific/supernatural elements similar to Dune (which it borrows a lot of its style and vibes from).

    So that might be enough to make a decision, whether you prefer hard scifi or a Dune-like setting.

    • FelislynxOP
      120 days ago

      Huh, that makes it harder to decide :). Both settings looks good to me ;). What makes you say, that system and setting is great for you?

      • @SamuraiBeandog@lemmy.world
        420 days ago

        I really like the Year Zero Engine mechanics with the “push” mechanic, it adds a lot of tension that works well for this style of game. The setting is unique and interesting, heavily influenced by Arab culture and folklore which gives a very different vibe to most western scifi. The supernatural elements are well integrated and the setting in general just has a lot of room for a variety of styles of play (combat, politics, detective, etc).