Been seeing a lot about how the government passes shitty laws, lot of mass shootings and expensive asf health care. I come from a developing nation and we were always told how America is great and whatnot. Are all states is America bad ?

  • SokathHisEyesOpen
    2 years ago

    Short answer, no. Longer answer, not even close. America has its problems, but it’s a wonderful place to live. Those of us who are older remember a time when it felt more free, and had a less intrusive government, but it’s still the land of opportunity.

    I was born poor and grew up on welfare. I worked my ass off my entire life, starting as a paperboy at the age of 12. I’ve literally bled and cried working my way out of poverty, but I did it. I’m now pretty well-to-do. There are thousands of countries in the world where that’s not possible.

    I know a political refugee who fled to America 40 years ago with nothing. He had literally nothing when he arrived. He is a multi-millionaire doctor now, with a huge house on 10 acres of land, and he drives a brand new top of the line Mercedes Benz. All of his kids are either college graduates, or in college.

    We’re free to criticize our government without reprisal. We’re free to express ourselves and be who we want. We have protections against discrimination, and we have workers rights. Yes, all of that could be improved still, but that’s always been a battle and always will be.

    Most Americans will never experience anything you read in the news. Their lives are comfortable and safe. Food is plentiful, as is entertainment.

    There are still a lot of things to fix in our country, and some things are sliding backwards, but we can and will continue to fight for progress. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. Yes there are truths to it, but you have to remember that we’re a country of 320 million people. Texas and California, just 2 of the 50 states, are large enough to cover the entirety of Europe. So you read a lot of bad news online, but it’s a concentration of all the bad stuff from across an enormous country. There are bad parts of America, and some places you’d rather not live, but most of the country is a pretty great place.